Tuesday 22 August 2017

I would like to visit ...

Hi guys. Today I will talk about a country I would like to visit

In my life, I never have visit other country. I know Chile since Coquimbo until Araucanía, so in the future my principal objective is to know all Chile. My family is large, we are 7 members, so It is hard to travel because It is expensive. The next years, I plan to travel to all Chile, and then I want save much money for travelling to any English- speaking country, because I want check my knowledges about English.

A country that attract my attention is Israel. Since when I was little child I listened about Israel in the movies, books and at the school.  Israel is a little country of 20770 km2, it has a population of 8,547 million, this is in Asia continent, the official idiom is Hebrew and the capital is Jerusalem. I would like to visit Dead Sea known in Hebrew as Yam Ha-Melah (the Sea of Salt) and Wailing Wall. I would like know different places of Israel, but also to study because They have great advances in water management, they are very much efficient in the water use in different area like agriculture.

And you, you would you like to visit Israel?  


Wednesday 28 June 2017


 Hi guys. Today I will talk about the best subject of this semester.

This is my 9th semester of agriculture, and although these are the last semesters of carrier, it has been very stress for me. I have had a lot work, because I have 8 subjects and 1 deport subject. this situation it is all my responsibility, because in this semester, each student can to chosen the subjects that it wants study.

My subjects are: Cereals, Environmental Biophysics, Soil Physics, Irrigation Systems, Graduate Seminar 1, Professional Practice, Communicational English 3, Ecosystem Ecology and Dance Gym. I like the majority of my subjects; however Professional Practice I don’t like because it is very boring. My favorite subjects are Cereals, Ambiental Biophysics, Ecology of Ecosystem and Soil´s Physics. But if I had that stand out a subject, I would choose Cereals.

Cereals is the combination perfect between the theory and practice activities. The professor of the subject is Hugo Faiguenbaum Morgenstern, He is agronomist from Universidad de Chile, it has more the 30 years of experience in the cereals area. The professor organizes the class in two areas:  to explain the topics and to question each student about the topics. The principal topics are to study the management of maize, wheat and oats.The classes are very participatory, entertain and integrating of all topics of subject. I liked the subject very much, although the professor is very demanding, so the subject was very hard.

What is your favorite subject?



Hi guys. Today I will talk about my experience using the blog in English classes.

When started English classes, each student must to create a blog. I never had a blog, so for me was a new experience. In the first post, I had many questions, because I did not know use the blog, but in the next posts, I understood how to use it. I liked to have that write about different topics, because in my opinion it is very relevant for learn vocabulary and grammatic. In addition, I learned to write with less help of dictionary.

I would like to include in the future that each student could propose a topic and that professor would choose 3 or 4 topics for the entire course to write about these topics.

I would like to write about the problems in the university, the deficiencies in agriculture carrier, the problem of water in Chile, hydroelectric project in "Cajón del Maipo" and the upcoming presidential elections, because for me all these topics are very important.

In general, I enjoyed the experience of having a blog and  to comment other blogs, the activity was very entertaining. I learned a lot.

What about you, do you like to use the blog?


Thursday 22 June 2017

Hi guys. Today I will talk about my winter holidays

This year is special because I will have my holidays together with my two brothers and my sister. In last years, winter holidays were in August or September, but this year will be in July. In these holidays, I want to sleep very much, because I am tired, but I have plans together with my family. For example we want to go to the cinema to watch “The Lost City of z”, this movie will be released on  27th of July. The film tells the story of British explorer Percy Fawcett (Charlie Hunnam), who journeys into the Amazon at the dawn of the 20th century and discovers evidence of a previously unknown, advanced civilization, which may have once inhabited the region.

Also, I want to go together to my boyfriend to national reserve“Río de los Cipreses” in region “Libertad Bernardo O´Higgins”. Many friends have told me that it is very beautiful; it has wonderful landscapes of forest and scrub of foothills.

Finally, in the last days of holidays, I want to visit to my uncle. He lives in Maria Pinto town, this place is near Melipilla city. It is one rural town, It has little resident in comparison to Santiago city. 

I wait for can make all my plans.


Thursday 8 June 2017

Hi guys. Today I will talk about a career related website

I often visit http://www.fao.org/home/en/ . This website belongs to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).  The main goal of FAO is to make people sure to have regular access to enough high quality food to have active, healthy lives. The website is very interesting because it has lots of publications about agricultural topics, present news, statistics and events. The page has the option to translate in different languages. Also you can download their app from "app store" or "Google play"; additionally any person can follow them on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and others to have news in real time.

I often visit the website once a week when I am in academic year, but I visit it once a month on my holidays. I like FAO`s website because they have prestige, so their news and publications are a reliable source to use in my work for the university. Also I like it because they are an international Organization, so they have news about a lot of countries of the world.  

This was my post topic today, bye.

Thursday 25 May 2017

Favourite  singer

Hi folk. Today, I will talk about my favourite singer

My favourite  singer is Amy Winehouse.  She was an English singer and  songwriter. She sang a mix of musical genres, for example: soul, rhythm and blues, jazz and some others. She was really talented. I like her because she is a versatile artist. She stands out of rest of singers. She had a different style, with her black frizzy hair, her tattoos and the make-up that she usually used.

I love a lot of her songs, but my favorite ones are “Back to Black”, “Valerie” and “Love is a losing game”. The latter one is a song from her second album “Back to Black”, it was the last song she released before her death, it is a very sad song, but she shows all her talent.

Amy was found dead at her London flat the July 23, 2011. The death of this artist was an enormous loss between the singers. I still listen her songs and I am sure that she will continue to be one of the best singers of the world.

Thursday 18 May 2017


Hi folks. Today I will talk about the photograph.

I love photos, because   my mom took me many photos since I was a little child because she loves photos. I like photographs because they allow us to travel in time, remember especial moment, and see people that we don’t see often.

This is one of my favorite photos. This photo shows my two brothers and my sister, in my surprise birthday party on 28th November, 2015. That day I was during in University all day, because I had a lot of work with my classmates. When I arrived home, my family was waiting for me, my mom had a cake in her hands, I was very happy. My mom put the cake on the table to take the camera, so when my family were singing “happy birthday”, my mom took this photo. I love it because it reminds me of a very happy moment with my family.  


Thursday 4 May 2017


Hi folks

Today I will talk about my favorite movie, because I usually watching many movies.

I have watched movies since that I have memory. I remember when I was little child with my brother and my parents, we watched films every weekend. My mom used to cook French fries, and we were eating while watching movies for many hours. We watched Lion King, Tarzan, The Sword in the Stone, Mulan, Hercules and many others.

When I grew up, I preferred do others activities, only sometimes I watched movies with my brothers. But when I was 17 years old I had an accident, the doc recommends me repose for three week. My mom bought many movies me, because I was lying on my bed for many hours. I watched The Godfather part I, II and III, The Shining, and others.

My favorite movie is The Godfather, is an excellent film, the plot is very interesting because show the “power of money” over the politics, Catholics church. The cast are excellent actors and actresses, for example, Marlon Brandon, Al Pacino, Diana Keaton and Talia Shire. The past Monday the film turned 45th anniversary, the cast and director Francis Ford Coppola reunited to celebrate. It is frequently considered the greatest film of all time. I think it's definitely the best film.

Thursday 20 April 2017

Piece of technology in my daily routine 

Hi folk!!! Today I writing about my favorite piece of technology,  when I was 13 years old, the most classmates had “Messenger”  for  chat between they every afternoon, but I didn’t like, I prefer to watch TV series, therefore I didn’t use my desktop computer very much . But when I began the secondary, I start to use my pc very much, mp4, and my cellular. Today,  the most important piece  in my daily life is pc, because it`s basic for the university, listening to music in YouTube, talking on  Facebook Messenger, and watching movies in the web (In my free time I love watching classic movies and premiere movies in any web page although this one is pirated).I use my cellular  every day to talk my family, classmates, and friends, also to get informed  about university news. I like pcs and cellulars because they are perfect to carry out different function . My life without both pieces would be more difficult for organising and for communicating with other. 

Monday 17 April 2017

Why Agriculture career? 

Hi, my story is different from miss Lourdes, when I studied in the secondary I did not know what to study because I was interested in many areas, but I was not clear on the decision, therefore I investigated in the pages web of the Universidad de Chile and Universidad de Santiago, and I believed that maybe I would like Biotechnology.
I concentrated in the PSU, but my nerves betrayed me and in the mathematics PSU, I did not get the score expected. After when I knew my score, I pustule to Biotechnology at the Universidad de Chile and my second option was Agriculture, because Agriculture have the area about vegetal Biotechnology.

Finally, I was accepted in Agriculture, because in Biotechnology I stayed one position more below. The best in my story was that I understood that I don’t like Biotechnology because the work is generally in laboratory, and for me is very boring. I love other areas like soil area, physiology area and water area. Today I am very happy with my decision and I think that the destination chose my correct path.

Thursday 30 March 2017


By Elizabeth Ramírez Zamorano

Hi, I am fine and this is my biography. I was born on 28 th November in Peñaflor, this is a small town near Santiago. I studied my primary in four different schools  and my secondary school in a small one, we were 30 classmates. Nowadays, I study Agriculture at Universidad de Chile, in the agronomics science faculty, this is my 5th year in the career. 

About my family, I can say that we are 7 member: my father, mother, grandmother, sister, two brothers and me. I am the oldest child. Also I have 2 uncles and 2 cousins, and 2 grandmothers, my two grandfathers are dead. My cousins are like my sisters. 
In my free time I watch movies together with my siblings, also I practice swimming, and I  ride a bycicle. I have had a boyfriend for a long time; his name is Felipe, We go to the cinema, to eat and to climb.
