Monday 17 April 2017

Why Agriculture career? 

Hi, my story is different from miss Lourdes, when I studied in the secondary I did not know what to study because I was interested in many areas, but I was not clear on the decision, therefore I investigated in the pages web of the Universidad de Chile and Universidad de Santiago, and I believed that maybe I would like Biotechnology.
I concentrated in the PSU, but my nerves betrayed me and in the mathematics PSU, I did not get the score expected. After when I knew my score, I pustule to Biotechnology at the Universidad de Chile and my second option was Agriculture, because Agriculture have the area about vegetal Biotechnology.

Finally, I was accepted in Agriculture, because in Biotechnology I stayed one position more below. The best in my story was that I understood that I don’t like Biotechnology because the work is generally in laboratory, and for me is very boring. I love other areas like soil area, physiology area and water area. Today I am very happy with my decision and I think that the destination chose my correct path.


  1. It is difficult to decide the career to study, but the important thing is to choose the most you like and be happy jajaja

  2. Sometimes things happen for something, it was in your destiny to study agriculture and that you are with us. bye

  3. Agriculture is wonderful because it integrates many areas :)
