Thursday 4 May 2017


Hi folks

Today I will talk about my favorite movie, because I usually watching many movies.

I have watched movies since that I have memory. I remember when I was little child with my brother and my parents, we watched films every weekend. My mom used to cook French fries, and we were eating while watching movies for many hours. We watched Lion King, Tarzan, The Sword in the Stone, Mulan, Hercules and many others.

When I grew up, I preferred do others activities, only sometimes I watched movies with my brothers. But when I was 17 years old I had an accident, the doc recommends me repose for three week. My mom bought many movies me, because I was lying on my bed for many hours. I watched The Godfather part I, II and III, The Shining, and others.

My favorite movie is The Godfather, is an excellent film, the plot is very interesting because show the “power of money” over the politics, Catholics church. The cast are excellent actors and actresses, for example, Marlon Brandon, Al Pacino, Diana Keaton and Talia Shire. The past Monday the film turned 45th anniversary, the cast and director Francis Ford Coppola reunited to celebrate. It is frequently considered the greatest film of all time. I think it's definitely the best film.


  1. I love the lion king! It's my favorite animated movie :)

  2. I love Al Pacino!! is the great actor
