Tuesday 22 August 2017

I would like to visit ...

Hi guys. Today I will talk about a country I would like to visit

In my life, I never have visit other country. I know Chile since Coquimbo until Araucanía, so in the future my principal objective is to know all Chile. My family is large, we are 7 members, so It is hard to travel because It is expensive. The next years, I plan to travel to all Chile, and then I want save much money for travelling to any English- speaking country, because I want check my knowledges about English.

A country that attract my attention is Israel. Since when I was little child I listened about Israel in the movies, books and at the school.  Israel is a little country of 20770 km2, it has a population of 8,547 million, this is in Asia continent, the official idiom is Hebrew and the capital is Jerusalem. I would like to visit Dead Sea known in Hebrew as Yam Ha-Melah (the Sea of Salt) and Wailing Wall. I would like know different places of Israel, but also to study because They have great advances in water management, they are very much efficient in the water use in different area like agriculture.

And you, you would you like to visit Israel?  
